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Ethiopia Gargari Gr1

Regular price €14.00

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Gargari Gutity Washing Station

This lot comes from Gargari Gutity washing station in Yirgacheffe coffee region, Gediyo zone at 22 km from Gedeb town.

The washing station sits at 1,983 masl and is surrounded by the Gutity river. Farmers in this region typically cultivate Jarc varieties on small plots of land around their house. Coffee is a family crop – grown by households within small gardens, on less than one hectare of land. Producers line their homes with coffee trees, and it is the primary source of income. It is common for producers to intercrop enset, the Ethiopian banana, avocados, and papaya to have additional food sources.

The washing station is paying more than the market price for a kilogram of red cherries, and those farmers that bring quality red cherries are paid a cash incentive, ensuring higher-than-average overall quality.

Coffee is selectively hand-picked before being delivered to the mill collection points, usually within 5km of the producers’ homes. Great care is taken upon delivery to separate out any overripe, underripe or damaged beans before consolidating with other lots for the road to the wet mill.

It is a special and exclusive coffee (small lot) It brings you the memory of summer through its tropical notes in the cup.

Tasting notes: Green grape, jasmine pearl, floral, juicy, citric.

Variety: Ethiopia heirloom 

Process: Washed

Region: Yirgacheffe / Gargary Gutity

Altitude: 1983 masl

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